The Ocean on the world Stage - the Panama leg of the Global Tour


  On July 1, the 3-day Panama International Lighting Exhibition 2017 ended successfully at the Atlapa Convention Center. The exhibition is the only professional, international lighting exhibition in Panama, with a total exhibition area of about 5,000 square meters, more than 120 exhibitors, from China, the United States, Canada and other 18 countries and regions, many of the world's well-known lighting brands are present, including in recent years to enter the global market Liyang shares.

  The exhibition is also the 7th stop of "Liyang on the world stage - Global Tour", Ms. Xiang Xinqun, sales director of Liyang Shares, went to Panama to participate in the exhibition on behalf of the company, fully demonstrating the importance of Liyang Shares to the Latin American lighting market. Ms. Xiangxin Group said that Panama radiates more than 20 countries around the 120 million people, has an important geostrategic advantage, for lighting companies in various countries, if you want to enter the Latin American lighting market, Panama will be the best breakthrough. At present, Liyang shares are fully expanding the global market, so the opportunity to enter the Latin American market, naturally will attach great importance to.

  (Ms. Xiangxinqun took a group photo with visiting customers)

  During the exhibition, Liyang shares with high light efficiency 5050 street lamp module, L03 street lamp, L16 street lamp and UFO mining lamp, noble edition/simple edition mining lamp and other products made a high-profile appearance, to the international exhibitors and visitors a comprehensive display of Liyang shares in the LED module, LED street lamp, LED mining lamp and other aspects of research and development results. Attracted many visitors to stop and watch, the scene atmosphere is very warm. The series products of Liyang shares have been unanimously recognized by visitors and even other exhibitors.

(Ms. Xiangxinqun talks with customers)

  As a deep-rooted in the LED field for many years, Liyang shares have been active on the world stage in recent years. This exhibition, not only for the strategic consideration of the enterprise, the intention to open up Panama and the entire Latin American market, it is standing at the height of the country to show the world the scientific research results of Liyang Shares.

(Mr. Wang Weihua, Chinese Ambassador to Panama, visited the booth of Liyang)

  At the exhibition, Mr. Wang Weihua, Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Panama, personally visited the booth of Liyang Shares and highly appreciated the achievements made by Liyang Shares on the international stage in recent years. On June 30, Liyang Shares was invited to attend a dinner held by the Embassy.

  It is understood that over the past ten years, the lighting market in Panama has developed rapidly. From 2005 to 2013, the import value of its lighting products increased by 300.16%. In addition, throughout Latin America, the penetration rate of LED lighting products is not high, so the market space is still very large. This is also one of the important factors for selecting Panama as the 7th stop of Liyang's "Liyang on the World Stage - Global Tour".


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