Military development training - Build an efficient and excellent Lepower team


  There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team. In order to improve the overall team cohesion, cooperation and execution of Liyang Shares, under the careful planning and organization of the company's leaders and personnel department, more than 60 management personnel and sales business of Liyang Shares conducted a two-day and one-night development training in Shenzhen Longgang Yuanshan Centennial special training camp.

  At 8 o 'clock in the morning on May 28, with a cheerful mood, the friends of Liyang took a bus and set foot on the journey to Shenzhen Longgang Yuanshan centennial special training camp. Along the way, everyone was enthusiastic, self-introduction, nickname, life sharing, etc., after an hour's drive, everyone arrived at the destination with full enthusiasm.

  Upon arrival at the destination, the coach quickly organized the team, and all the members were divided into four teams - the brave "warriors", the invincible "invincible team", the tough and united "Wolf team", and the brave "Tigers", to carry out team warm-up and guide the students to form a team. In the subsequent training, we carried out activities such as understanding the bracelet, moving the universe, advancing together, jigsaw puzzle, rescuing hostages, and graduation wall. These expansion projects bring Liyang partners not only the pleasure of success or failure of the game, but more is the perception of work and life.

Know before you use, anticipate before you act

The project of "Advance and retreat together" has made Liyang partners have a qualitative sublimation of their understanding of team cooperation and are fully aware of their shortcomings in their work. Through the profound analysis, reflection and sharing of our partners, we have a deeper understanding of the excellent team. An excellent team must first be good at discovering, making full use of resources, clear goals, so that the prophet and then in use, with a clear goal, and then develop a reasonable and feasible implementation plan, so that all the team members with an all-out mentality to execute, the work efficiency to the extreme.

Unique insight, breakthrough self

"Jigsaw" project challenge, so that Liyang partners have more thinking about the change of thinking mode. The solidified way of thinking, the lack of the pursuit of innovation, so that the original work efficiency is greatly reduced, when the work is alternating and parallel, often busy and wrong. Like an egg, breaking from the outside is food, and breaking from the inside is life. The same is true of life, breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth. If you wait for someone to break you from the outside, you are destined to become someone else's food. If you can let yourself break through from within, then you will find that your growth is equivalent to a rebirth.

Strength comes from team, transcendence comes from trust

In all the training, the most impressive is the project "over the graduation wall". The height of 4.5 meters, no external protection measures, 57 people need to pass, the specified time of 17 minutes, this is the data description of the project. From being at a loss and not confident at the beginning, to assigning tasks and formulating strategies according to the abilities and strengths of team members, to completing the task in the last 14 points. The young men have completed the transformation from thinking it impossible to surpassing the impossible, re-recognizing themselves and surpassing themselves. As a small partner of the Wolves said: believe in the team, do not give up, success is close!

There are surprises, more moved

During the expansion period, the company leaders also specially arranged a different kind of birthday celebration for four small partners. A different way, a different venue, when "Happy birthday to you..." When this familiar and beautiful melody sounded, the four birthday stars were full of surprises, and one of the birthday stars shared his feelings by saying that this special way of celebrating the birthday was the most touched him. The sincere blessing of dozens of colleagues, so that the small partners really feel the care from the company leadership, but also feel the warmth of the big family of Liyang, love.

This outward bound training broke the communication barriers between employees and departments, enhanced the sense of team cooperation, strengthened the team cohesion, and improved the team's ability to solve problems. In the coming days, the joint efforts of all employees of Liyang Shares will create a united and cooperative, harmonious, positive and full of fighting spirit working atmosphere, so that the company will create more legends in the future years.


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