Emergency drill ‖ Prevent problems before they happen, we are serious!


In order to further implement the emergency plan for safety production accidents of industrial enterprises in Shiyan Street, enhance the awareness of fire safety of all employees, and do a good job in the safety emergency prevention work of the company's industrial park, on September 7, Shenzhen Liyang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. jointly with Shiyan Street Office and Shenzhen Youan Safety Technology Co., LTD., In Liyang Industrial Park, the 2018 industrial enterprise safety emergency drill was jointly held, and all employees of Liyang Shares participated in the drill.

Desktop inference

This drill adopts a combination of desktop exercise and actual combat exercise, taking a dangerous chemical fire accident next to the elevator on the first floor of the company's workshop as a simulation scene to carry out emergency rescue. The drill includes fire knowledge training, warning evacuation, fire fighting action, safety rescue, drill summary and so on.

The field commander announced the start of the drill

At 2 p.m., with the sound of the siren, the fire emergency drill officially began. After finding the danger, the staff immediately reported to the exercise headquarters, the headquarters immediately launched the emergency plan after receiving the news, organized various teams to rush to the scene as soon as possible, orderly evacuation of workshop personnel, stretch the warning line, cut off the workshop power supply, fire rescue, rescue the injured, etc. The whole drill is fully organized, the drill process is orderly, and all employees are actively and seriously involved in the drill.

Emergency drill site

At the drill site, technical experts explained the use of dry powder fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing steps and action essentials to the staff present, and demonstrated how to put out the fire. Company employees actively cooperate, take the initiative to pick up the fire extinguisher boldly try, in the use of improper technical experts timely pointed out and corrected, to ensure that employees can use the fire extinguisher correctly.

On-site expert demonstration and employee experience using fire extinguishers

After the drill, the relevant person in charge of Shiyan Sub-district office, Youan Safety Technology Company and Liyang Shares summarized and evaluated the drill, fully affirmed the process and effect of the drill, and hoped that all employees would further strengthen their safety awareness, based on their own duties, and put the safety work in place. Safe production is everyone's responsibility.

Through the fire emergency drill, the company effectively improved the fire prevention and control and scientific escape skills of the company's employees, improved the company's employees' disaster emergency response ability, and provided a strong guarantee for the safe and stable production of the enterprise. Here, I sincerely thank Shenzhen Municipal Government, Baoan District Safety Supervision Bureau and Shiyan Sub-district Office for their supervision and strong support of Liyang Shares. In the future, Liyang Shares will continue to carry out emergency drills, improve the company's emergency rescue system, create a safe and harmonious working environment for employees, and build a strong fire safety "firewall".


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