Gathering youth, vitality, and passion for tomorrow | 2022 Lepower Autumn Group Building and Expansion activities


Liyang share sales team farm fun team building expansion activities one day tour

In order to speed up enterprise team building, strengthen the sense of collaboration between employees and enhance enterprise cohesion and centripetal force, summarize the first half of the year and look forward to the second half of the year. October 8, 2022 In this day full of hope and passion, Liyang Shares came to a passionate sunshine trip, a close contact with nature. Because of the epidemic, we can not leave the deep, in the Fenghuang Mountain not far from the company launched a group construction expansion.

Corporate team building can not only give employees relaxation, but also improve team morale and improve team cohesion. The combination of fun and expansion of travel makes group building activities more vivid, easier and more fun, so that participants can actively participate in a happy and pleasant atmosphere and have stronger interaction and cooperation. In order to enhance team cohesion, enhance Liyang team members to the sense of belonging to the enterprise! Break the boring group construction of military training, let us get high together this autumn!



Fenghuang Mountain agricultural fun Valley ecological farm includes a variety of farming experience projects, fruit picking, fishing and horseback riding, picnic and barbecue, agricultural science popularization area, education and fun so that modern urban people can experience agricultural scenery, agricultural flavor, farming and agricultural fun in the fun! The key is to enjoy outdoor barbecue food at the same time, enjoy yourself after a day, and then Liyang Xiaobian will take you to open the new group building.

At 8:50 time, the company gathered downstairs, and sounded the assembly signal at 9:00. The company's team finished the season at the gate of the industrial park and prepared to leave for the destination - Phoenix Mountain Nongqu Valley ecological farm. Half an hour later, all arrived at the destination, walked to the Phoenix Mountain Nongqu Valley lawn gathering, take group photos. Liyang Shares autumn group construction and expansion activities officially started!



All colleagues will be randomly divided into five groups, each group selected 10 players to participate in the game, each team is ready, fierce team competition will be staged soon. There are three game items to compete today: dragon water, power train, you play I guess. These three projects not only require a thorough understanding of the game rules and skilled mastery of game skills, but also require tacit cooperation and cooperation between team members to complete the task. Each group of games, the first prize 200 yuan cash red envelope.


Expansion Game 1: 【 Dragons fetch water 】


Five big teams were born, they shouted out their most loud slogans, put their most imposing team posture!


According to the number of people in the team, complete the task of fetching water once per person in the team. The distance between the starting point and the target point is 1.4 meters, and any student's body, clothing and other items must not touch the ground.



Each member of the team is required to take a bottle of water, without the use of anything other than the body. If the ground is touched or touched during the fetching process, the bottle will be pushed back 500px.



In the process of making lunch, a group of "kitchen gods" were born, they are skilled in cooking, and the dishes made are delicious. One winner will be awarded with a cash red envelope of 600 yuan.



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