Lepower | welcome 20 victory held!


Chasing red memories

Liyang photoelectric welcome 20 big


On October 15, on the occasion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party branch of Shenzhen Liyang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. organized all Party members and party members to go to the Memorial Hall of the first Congress of the Communist Party of China in Bao 'an County to carry out a unique Party history education activity and take practical actions to meet the victory of the 20th Party Congress in Beijing.


立洋光电 l 党支部不忘初心,牢记使命

Through the visit and study, we learned that on February 23, 1928, according to the instructions of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Baoan County Party Committee held a Party member's congress in the Subai Chengong Temple (now located in Songgang Yanchuan), and summarized "four. After the "one and two" incident, Baoan Party organizations in leading the peasant riots in the experience and lessons, the meeting decided to re-organize party organizations at all levels, further develop party members, strengthen propaganda work, and carry out land revolution.


In 2000, Shenzhen City and Bao 'an District Cultural Management Office invested funds to repair it, and held the "Bao 'an Revolution" exhibition exhibition, and transformed the Subai Chengong Temple into a "big" conference memorial hall of the Communist Party of China Bao 'an County. Built in October 2000 and officially opened to the public in June 2001, it is now identified by Shenzhen as the youth patriotic education base and one of the red tourist attractions.

On the occasion of the 20th Congress, the Party branch of Liyang Optoelectronics chose to carry out party history education for party members at the starting point of the red preface in Shenzhen, and led the party members to review this history, from which they once again felt the party's original heart mission, further temper the party spirit, remember the glorious history, and inherit the red gene.


After the event, everyone said that in the future, they will continue to study deeply and inherit the glorious tradition of our party, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and devote themselves to study and work with high attitude and full mental outlook.


   Shenzhen Liyang Optoelectronics Co., LTD., founded in 2008, is a leading provider of high-power LED packaging devices and smart city lighting system solutions in China. Liyang Optoelectronics to technological innovation, quality first for the purpose, to "create LED green lighting sustainable development, create maximum value for customers" as the concept, adhere to the quality, innovation, focus, win-win policy, for a variety of different LED lighting applications to provide a comprehensive solution.


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