Thank you for accompanying us with dreams -Lepower Shares 10th anniversary celebration and 2019 Spring Gala came to a successful end


On the evening of January 13, 2019, Shenzhen Liyang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. successfully held the 10th anniversary celebration and 2019 Spring Welcome Party with the theme of "Thanksgiving Companion · Dream Companion" in Shiyan Quanfulou Banquet Hall. Mr. Qu Junyi, Chairman of Liyang Shares, and Ms. Qin Shengyan, general manager of Liyang Shares, gathered together with all colleagues and guests and friends of about 300 people to review the achievements of the tenth anniversary of Liyang Shares, talk about the development plan, and look forward to a better future.

The gala is a gathering of talents. Guests present are: Mr. Wu Chunxiao, Deputy General manager of Shenzhen Maoshuo Electronic Technology Co., LTD., Mr. Zhao Fei, Secretary General of Shenzhen Lighting and Display Engineering Industry Association, Mr. Huo Yongfeng, Chairman of Chengdu Hengkun Optoelectronics Technology Co., LTD., Mr. Wen Jianhua, Senior Vice President of American Prui Optoelectronics Co., LTD., Mr. Yu Yongsheng, representative of OSram Optoelectronics Semiconductor Co., LTD., Mr. Fan Wei, general manager of AiO Creative Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., and many other industry insiders, as well as friends from all walks of life who care about and support Liyang shares, jointly witnessed this historical moment.

▲ Guest sign-in

The gala was officially kicked off with the gorgeous opening dance, "Blooming Flowers". In the warm applause of the audience, Mr. Qu Junyi, chairman of Liyang Shares, delivered a speech on stage. Qu Dong said that looking back on the company's past ten years, he has mixed feelings, the company has grown from small to large, from weak to strong in the past ten years, can not be separated from the support and efforts of suppliers, customers and friends as well as all employees. Under the current severe market situation, the company has worked together and made joint efforts, and the operating performance has increased steadily. At the same time, he proposed that in the New Year, we should continue to adhere to the policy of "technological innovation, quality first", and achieve the ultimate in customer service and product cost performance, so as to create value for customers, create benefits for employees, and contribute to social development.

▲ Chairman's speech

Then, the party entered the annual recognition and award. The achievements achieved in 2018 are the result of the unremitting efforts and hard work of each employee. For this reason, the company has set up the 2018 Annual Excellent Employee Award and Excellent Team Award to recognize the employees who have made outstanding contributions in the past year and encourage them to continue to play an exemplary role in the New Year.

▲ Outstanding employee Award

▲ Outstanding Team Award

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary celebration, the company also set up a special "Founders Recognition Award" to solemnly recognize the management personnel who have made outstanding contributions to the company for a long time. Ten years of trials and hardships, ten years of innovation and inheritance, ten years hand in hand, achieved the glory of Liyang today!

▲ Li Yang Award

After the recognition, the much-anticipated show will follow. Each department brought different forms of wonderful performances for everyone, such as the song and dance "Just Me" showing the charm of youth, the song "Homesick" singing and crying for foreign travelers, the beautiful classical dance "Collecting Wei", the humorous skit "Charging Treasure" and the solo performance "Hotel California" brought by foreign guests. So dizzying audience, the stage applause, cheers can be heard.

▲ Cabaret "Just Me"

Sketch "Power Bank"

▲ Solo "When I Miss Home"

▲ Dance "Tsewei"

▲Foreign guests perform "Hotel California"

▲ Chorus "Beyond Dreams"

▲ The sketch "Heart Disease"

▲ Chorus "The Nation"

After the show, it's time for dinner. After Ms. Qin Shengyan, general manager of Liyang Shares, gave a toast on stage, the company's senior executives came on stage together to make a toast with a champagne tower, and the appreciation dinner officially began.

▲ toast

▲ Dinner exchange

▲ The elegant appearance of the world

The lucky draw of the dinner is more surprising and exciting. Six awards such as exquisite gifts and cash red envelopes were interspersed in the whole dinner, one by one, so that the whole party reached a boiling point, and the lucky start of the year was given to every winning guest, which also indicates that the good luck and money in 2019. Finally, the party came to a successful end in the chorus of all Liyang people "Tomorrow will be Better".

▲Lucky draw

▲ Full chorus of "Tomorrow will be Better"

New journey · New leap

Time flies, time is like a song.

Li Yang ten years, thank you!

A journey of a thousand miles begins today and sets sail again.

In 2019, let us work together to create more brilliant!


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