What is the cause of LED light source blackening? Is led light source easy to use?


What is the cause of LED light source blackening? Is led light source easy to use? With the development of led, the use of led is also more and more, in the process of use, there will be many problems, the following to tell you this knowledge.

Is led light source easy to use?

The lighting source has gone through three important stages in the past, incandescent lamp ---- fluorescent lamp ----- high intensity gas discharge lamp (HID), this process has taken more than one hundred years. Today, led light source has become a light source with broad development prospects in the lighting industry, known as the fourth generation light source.

led as an emerging light source, with long life, high luminous efficiency, low power consumption, short startup time, high color rendering index, low operating temperature, solid structure, not afraid of vibration, good directivity, low operating voltage, no ultraviolet radiation, light weight and other significant characteristics, is the world's most potential for development of a new generation of light sources.

led light source can achieve mercury-free production, which is also of great significance for environmental protection. Solid-state lighting with semiconductor led as a light source will gradually replace traditional lighting and enter a variety of applications. At present, lighting consumption accounts for about 20% of the entire power consumption, greatly reducing lighting electricity is an important way to save energy. led is attracting the world's attention with its inherent superiority.

The United States, Japan and other countries and Taiwan have predicted the benefits of led lighting, and 55% of incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps in the United States have been replaced by led, which can save 35 billion US dollars in electricity costs per year and reduce 755 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. In Japan, 100% of incandescent lamps are replaced with led, which can reduce the power generation of 1-2 nuclear power plants and save more than 1 billion liters of crude oil consumption per year. In Taiwan, 25% of incandescent lamps and 100% fluorescent lamps are replaced by leds, which can save 11 billion KWH of electricity per year. led lighting will also form a huge industry market of 50 billion US dollars.


What is the cause of LED light source blackening?

LED light source blackening is a problem that major LED lighting companies often encounter. Due to the lack of professional testing equipment and personnel, most LED lighting companies do blackening failure analysis usually rely on experience and speculation, lack of scientific testing data. However, the blackening of the light source is only a symptom, and reasons such as vulcanization, chlorination, bromination, oxidation, carbonization and chemical incompatibility can lead to the blackening of the LED light source.

1, vulcanization, chlorination, bromination

The silver-plated layer on the LED support will produce silver sulfide when contacted with sulfur-containing gas, and light-sensitive silver halide when contacted with acidic nitrogen-containing chlorine and bromine gas, which will lead to blackness and failure of the light source. Light source sulfur/chlorine/bromination may occur in every link of the production, storage, aging, and use of LED light sources and lamps. After the blackening of the light source is confirmed as sulfur/chlorine/bromination, the customer should choose a specific sulfur removal plan according to the link where the sulfur/chlorine/bromination occurs.

2. Oxidation

In a high temperature and humidity environment, silver will easily react with oxygen to produce black silver oxide. In view of this situation, the air tightness of the light source and the lamp should be further checked to eradicate the moisture penetration path.

3. Carbonization

Speaking from experience, the material defects of the six raw materials of the LED light source (chip, scaffold, solid adhesive, bonding wire, phosphor, packaging adhesive) and the process defects of the three major packaging processes (solid crystal, wire, glue) may lead to extremely high temperatures of the light source, resulting in local or overall blackening of the light source and carbonization of the light source. Unreasonable heat dissipation design of LED lamps, low thermal conductivity of heat dissipation materials, unreasonable power supply design, and too many reflow defects will also cause carbonization of the light source. In this case, the light source/luminaire should be dissected to find the source of defects or high thermal resistance.

4. Chemical incompatibility

LED light source blackening may also be caused by chemical pollution, this blackening phenomenon will often appear in sealed lamps with little or no air flow. The problem of LED light source blackening caused by chemical compatibility problems should be checked for chemical incompatibility of materials used in lamps to find out materials incompatible with the light source.

The above 4 points cause LED light source blackening for the lighting company's professional and technical personnel is a big boon, can help it accurately qualitative LED light source blackening causes, while according to the specific causes of LED light source blackening to provide customers with solutions to find out the problem.

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