2022 Global LED lighting industry market size and development trend analysis


Statistics show that with the help of energy-saving and environmental protection policies in countries around the world, the global LED lighting market has maintained a rapid growth rate of about 10% in recent years. However, by 2020, due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, the industry output value has declined to a certain extent, according to the prospective industry Research Institute estimates that the global LED lighting industry output value is about 450 billion US dollars in 2020.


With the gradual control of the epidemic in 2020, commercial, outdoor, and engineering lighting are rapidly returning to temperature. At the same time, according to the TrendForce survey results, the penetration rate of LED lighting to other industries has increased significantly. In addition, the LED industry also shows the characteristics of the price increase of LED lighting products and the development of digital intelligent dimming regulation.

From the global LED lighting industry demand proportion, home lighting more than 20%, the most widely used, followed by industrial and outdoor lighting, are about 18%.

According to the latest data from LEDinside, under the impact of the global epidemic in 2020, China is still the world's largest LED lighting market, and the Chinese market is tied to the European market, followed by the North American market. These three markets accounted for more than 60% of the global LED lighting market, and the overall regional concentration showed a higher trend.

From the global LED lighting industry development trend, the global LED lighting overall picked up, the penetration rate has increased, from the market segment point of view, outdoor, commercial wind lighting expansion application is a new growth point of LED lighting market; From the perspective of regional distribution, Europe and Asia-Pacific still occupy the largest market share in the world in a short period of time.

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