General LED street lamp power supply to meet what requirements?


General LED street lamp power supply to meet what requirements? Nowadays, there are more and more LED street lights in the city, and traditional street lights with high-pressure sodium lamps as the light source are gradually being replaced. However, the quality level of LED street lights on the market is uneven, so it is very important to choose an excellent quality LED street light. The power supply of LED street lights is an important part of LED street lights, when we choose LED street lights, its power supply must meet these four requirements:

First, the LED street lamp power supply must be constant current

The characteristics of the lighting material of the LED street lamp determine its impact on the environment. For example, if the temperature changes, the current of the LED will increase. In addition, the voltage of the LED will increase. If the long-term operation exceeds the rated current, the service life of the LED lamp bead will be greatly shortened. The constant current of the LED street lamp power supply is also the current value that ensures its work when environmental factors such as temperature and voltage change.

Second, LED street lamp power supply constant current accuracy

The constant current accuracy of some power supplies on the market is poor, and the error may reach ±8%, and the constant current error is too large. The general requirement is ±3%. Based on 3% design. The production power supply should be fine-tuned to achieve an error of ±3%.

Third, LED street lamp power supply working voltage

The recommended working voltage of general LED is 3.0-3.5V. After testing, most of the work is at 3.2V, so the calculation is reasonable based on 3.2V. The total voltage of N beads in series = 3.2 * N.

Fourth, the appropriate working current of the LED street lamp power supply

For example, LED street lights have a rated operating current of 350 mAh. Some LED street lamp manufacturers use it at the beginning, with a design of 350 mA. In fact, the working heat of this current is very severe. After a number of comparative tests, 320mA was the right design to minimize heat and convert more electrical energy into visible light.

  LED street lamp power supply to meet the above four requirements, can be regarded as a qualified power supply. In addition, when choosing LED street lights, we should not only pay attention to the power supply, but also fully understand the other components of LED street lights, so as to choose high-quality LED street lights.


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