LED street lamp prices vary, teach you to choose the right one


LED street lamp prices vary, Led street lamp sales customer service often receive inquiries from customers, some customers call directly to ask led street lamp prices, street lamp prices have exceeded the attention to the quality of led street lights, and customers directly require the introduction of several inexpensive street lights. In fact, one point of price, one point of goods, to ensure that the outdoor street lamp project is responsible for the premise, the choice of good quality led street lights is still very necessary.

Summary of reasons affecting the brightness of LED street lights

First, the number of lumens of LED chips

The higher the lumen number of the LED chip, the higher its light efficiency, and the overall brightness of the LED street lamp will be higher. Some street lamp manufacturers in order to maximize the interests of the use of low lumen number of LED chips, then the same power with the use of high lumen number of LED chips produced by the LED street lamp brightness will certainly be a lower grade.

Two, LED lamp bead lens arc

The rounder the arc of the LED lamp bead lens, the more light it reflects, and the brightness of the LED street lamp will be higher. The water drop lens has high transmittance, so the brightness is very considerable.

These are the two main reasons why the brightness difference of LED street lamps under the same power is so large, so we must pay attention to these two points when purchasing.

The main part of the led street lamp is the lamp head, and the quality of the lamp head is the key to the entire street lamp. led street lamp head mainly includes lamp shell, chip, lens.

LED street lamp itself quality problems

First, the LED chip has poor thermal conductivity, the temperature of the LED tube core can not be transmitted to the surface (internal heat and external cool), even if the radiator is added, the internal heat can not all be dissipated, and then some LED street lamps do not add radiator inside.

Two: Temperature rise caused by the power supply of LED street lamps

The power quality of LED street lamps is not good, when the LED is switched on, the nonlinear power supply and weak changes in the power supply will cause the current through the LED chip to increase, resulting in high internal temperature, affecting the heat dissipation performance of LED street lamps.

led street lamp lens, chip, variety of options. The led street lamp head can be matched with different lenses according to the needs of customers, which can be matched with PC lens, glass lens, and led aluminum substrate patch light source. The integrated high-power led chip improves the overall assembly efficiency and waterproof performance, and reduces the damage rate.

  The price of LED street lights varies, when customers choose led street lights, they should choose led street lights that are suitable for road requirements, the price is appropriate, and the quality is guaranteed after sale, so as to ensure the quality of street lighting projects. But the price difference is too big, you can also find a reliable manufacturer, Liyang Technology is a professional LED street lamp manufacturers, a number of products get government procurement, price transparency! Call for advice!


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