What are the characteristics of LED light sources? LED light source installation method


    What are the characteristics of LED light sources? LED light source installation method is a lot of friends want to understand the problem. led light source is a new type of energy saving and environmental protection light, it is simple to control, easy to install, excellent waterproof performance, often used in every place where we need light in life, then what are his characteristics? How to install, let's tell you in detail below.

LED light source Features

1. Can be programmed to control multiple synchronous changes, can achieve synchronous color, jump, scan, water and other full-color change effects, can also be composed of multiple point light sources dot matrix screen, change a variety of pictures, text, animation effects; It has the characteristics of low power and long life.

2.LED point light source and LED display can be controlled by the computer for real-time transmission of advertising information, play advertising videos, and replace advertising content at will, while the LED display has higher pixels, the display accuracy is correspondingly higher, the close-range effect is better, LED point light display also has quite good visual effects when watching at a distance. It can meet the long-distance visual needs of large advertisements, neon billboards are relatively monotonous, can not carry out real-time transmission and replacement of advertising content, and the use of poor function.

3.LED point light source can not only be used for dot matrix display, but also can be used for the outline of buildings such as houses and Bridges in urban lighting projects, hotels, hotels and other entertainment venues interior decoration lighting projects, with great market prospects.

4. Green lighting is a global eco-design goal to follow, LED is an energy-efficient light source, without mercury, can reduce energy consumption and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere, can also be combined with LED solar cells, it is one of the most environmentally friendly light sources.


LED light source installation method

1, buckle screw installation: the buckle is locked on the installation wall, and then the lamp can be stuck into the buckle;

2, buckle glue installation: buckle user external engineering glue glued to the installation wall, and then the lamp can be stuck into the buckle;

3, buckle wire installation: buckle into the steel wire, and then the lamp can be stuck into the buckle;

4, profile lock bracket installation 1) : The two installation brackets are locked on the installation wall according to the spacing, the lamp is locked on the aluminum profile with screws, and then the locked lamp profile is locked on the installation bracket;

2) : The two installation brackets are locked on the installation wall according to the spacing, and the lamp is connected to the aluminum profile, and then the fixed lamp profile is locked on the installation bracket;

3) : Two installation brackets are locked on the installation wall according to the spacing, and the lamp with a card lamp shade is stuck to the aluminum profile, and then the fixed profile of the lamp is locked on the installation bracket;

5, profile lock wall installation 1) : Use screws to lock the lamp on the aluminum profile, and then lock the profile of the lamp on the installation wall can be;

2) : : Use the connection button on the aluminum profile of the lamp, and then lock the fixed profile of the lamp on the installation wall; 3) : Use the lamp with a card lampshade to screw onto the aluminum profile, and then lock the fixed profile of the lamp on the installation wall;

6, for non-plane installation, like the cable-stayed large-diameter steel cable on the bridge, can be installed in the form of hoop: first lock the hoop to the large-diameter steel cable, and then lock the aluminum profile equipped with the lamp on the hoop;

7. Other installation methods can be developed and designed separately according to the actual project needs.

LED light source characteristics and installation method to tell you, the existence of led convenient our lives, there is a need to understand led light source, here recommend Liyang Optoelectronics, good product good quality.


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