The difference between LED street lights and ordinary street lights, in the end that is good?


  Humans have been using incandescent light bulbs for more than 130 years. Long before Edison, the British electrical engineer (J. Swan) from the late 1840s began to carry out research on electric lights. After nearly 30 years of hard work, Swan finally found a suitable carbon filament. After more than 100 years of development, the continuous innovation of science and technology has also led to some old products being "eliminated". So where is the difference between LED street lights and ordinary street lights? LED street lights relative to ordinary street lights, where is its advantage?

What are the advantages of LED street lights?

High efficiency and energy saving

Only a few kilowatt-hours of electricity! (Ordinary 60W incandescent lamp consumes 1 KWH of electricity for 17 hours, ordinary 10W energy-saving lamp consumes 1 KWH of electricity for 100 hours)

Ultra-long life

Semiconductor chip light, no filament, no glass bubble, not afraid of vibration, not easy to break, the service life of up to 50,000 hours (ordinary incandescent lamp service life is only 1,000 hours, ordinary energy-saving lamp service life is only 8,000 hours)

Healthy light

The light contains no ultraviolet and infrared rays, no radiation! (Ordinary light lines contain ultraviolet and infrared rays)

Green and environmental protection

It does not contain harmful elements such as mercury and xenon, which is conducive to recycling and does not produce electromagnetic interference (ordinary lamps contain elements such as mercury and lead, and electronic ballasts in energy-saving lamps will produce electromagnetic interference)5. Vision protection: LED energy-saving lamps use DC drive, no stroboscopic (ordinary lights are AC drive, stroboscopic)6. High light efficiency: LED energy-saving lamps generate little heat, and 90% of the electrical energy is converted into visible light (ordinary incandescent lamps convert 80% of the electrical energy into thermal energy, and only 20% of the electrical energy into light energy)7. High safety factor: the required voltage and current are small, the heat is small, and the safety risks are not generated in dangerous places such as mining sites

LED street lamp is a kind of street lamp using semiconductor light-emitting diode as the light source, LED street lamp is efficient and energy-saving, ultra-low power consumption. The energy consumption of white leds is only 1/10 of that of incandescent lamps and 1/4 of that of energy-saving lamps. And LED light source does not contain harmful metal mercury. The luminous flux loss of the LED street light source is very small, and unlike the traditional light source, the LED street light is a semi-space luminous light source.

So what is the traditional street light?

Traditional ordinary street lamps generally use high-pressure sodium lamps, which have a low overall light efficiency and 360° light, not only causing a huge waste of energy, but also generating large heat and short life. High-pressure sodium lamp is a full-space luminous light source, and it is necessary to change the direction of the outgoing light from a half space to the reflector in the other half of the space at the same time, inevitably absorbing the light and blocking the light source itself.

The use of LED lights as a light source, there will be no loss in this respect, and the utilization ratio of light is also higher than that of high-voltage sodium lamps.

LED street lights (left) and traditional street lights (right)

In fact, regardless of energy saving, use time, quality and post-maintenance, the performance of LED street lights is better than traditional street lights, and the color of LED street lights is brighter than traditional street lights, and the color of traditional street lights is more serious, and LED street lights are much better.

The difference between LED street lights and ordinary street lights, we compare, the effect immediately know. Therefore, choose the diversity of LED street lights of Liyang Technology, and the effect is guaranteed. LED street lights are the tracing of light in the dark, bringing you back to a warm home.


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