LED street light matching skills


  LED solar street lamp controller, light control equipment, etc., should be regularly checked and maintained, in order to ensure the continuous operation of LED street lamp lighting device, to check once a week, in the event of heavy rain, strong wind and other weather, to check whether the panel displacement occurs in time, if the occurrence of such phenomena should be dealt with in time. Also check whether the battery is intact and whether there is water seepage, pay attention to waterproof measures, especially the battery and LED lamp head. In addition to the appearance and style, the color of outdoor LED street lamps must be equal to the planning of the whole place of use, and the color mainly emerges for the light effect presented when the light is turned on at night, and the lamps that are thin and choose the same light color can let people enjoy the charm of lights. Lighting LED street lights are more of a day display, lighting should be seamless with the use of all the planning characteristics of the site, the exterior of the lighting is not elegant appearance of the thin selection should pay attention to the characteristics of the common.


  LED street lights have a unique secondary optical design, the light of LED street lights to the required lighting area, in order to achieve the purpose of energy saving, LED street lights can be used with lenses, and the lens can be flexibly controlled after the light range, further improve the light efficiency. The light color rendering of LED street lamps is higher than that of high-pressure sodium lamps, the color rendering index of high-pressure sodium lamps is only about 23, and the color rendering index of LED street lamps reaches more than 75, from the visual psychological point of view, to achieve the same brightness, the average illuminance of LED street lamps can be reduced by more than 20% than that of high-pressure sodium lamps. The light failure of a year is less than 3%, and the road requirements are still met in 10 years of use, while the high-pressure sodium light has declined by more than 30% in a year or so. LED street lights have automatic control and energy-saving devices, which can achieve the maximum possible power reduction and energy saving under the circumstances of meeting the lighting requirements of different periods. Can achieve computer dimming, time division control, light control, temperature control. Can be used for more than 50,000 hours, provide three years of quality assurance.


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